In the News

Bill Seeks to Boost Affordable Housing for Low-Income Seniors

August 30, 2012    
Congressman Joe Baca of California recently introduced legislation aimed at increasing the number of senior housing sites built under the low-income housing tax credit program. His bill, H.R. 6295, would require states to provide additional points in their qualified allocation plans to developers...

How to Avoid Tax Credit Recapture After Site Suffers Casualty Loss

August 1, 2012    
A tornado hits and wipes out three of the 10 buildings at your site. A flood leaves the ground-floor units at your site uninhabitable. A fire roars through two floors of your high-rise and severely damages 10 units. If one of these or a similar disaster occurs at your tax credit site, you’ll...
Dealing with Employees

Prepare for Disasters Using Emergency Procedures Manual

August 1, 2012    
Emergencies, disasters, accidents, and injuries can occur any time and without warning. Most recently, in June, the president declared parts of Florida a federal disaster area as a result of damage done by Tropical Storm Debby. And this year, areas of West Virginia, Tennessee, Indiana, Kentucky,...

Boost Lease-Up with Well-Timed Press Releases

August 1, 2012    
Press releases are a great and inexpensive way to get your site’s name recognized in the community and attract qualified applicants, says communications consultant Rose Reichman. You can send press releases with newsworthy information about a new or existing site to local newspapers and other...
In the News

New Study Reveals Incomes and Rent Burdens of Tax Credit Households

August 1, 2012    
A study entitled "What Can We Learn about the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program by Looking at the Tenants?" was recently released by Katherine O’Regan, Associate Professor at NYU Wagner Graduate School and the Furman Center, and Keren Horn, Assistant Professor of Economics at...
In the News

ICP Responds to Texas LIHTC Program's Remediation Plan

July 15, 2012    
In the May issue of the Insider, we highlighted a federal court ruling that held that the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) unintentionally discriminated in its allocation of low-income housing tax credits (LIHTCs) [“In the News: Court Rules Texas LIHTC Program...
Keeping It Straight

Are You LIHTC Fluent?

July 15, 2012    
Test your knowledge of common acronyms used in the low-income housing tax credit industry. On the lines below (or on a blank piece of paper), write down the terms associated with each of the following 50 acronyms. The answers appear on p. 8. This list was provided by Karen Graham of Karen A. Graham...
Dos & Don'ts

Stagger Maintenance Staff's Work Shifts to Add Perceived Site Value

July 15, 2012    
Try staggering your maintenance staff's hours to add perceived value to your site, suggests marketing expert Tracey Hopkins. Maintenance staffs typically work the same hours that residents work, which means that most residents don't see the maintenance staff hard at work to keep the site...
Dos & Don'ts

Let Prospects Pay Security Deposit by Credit Card

July 15, 2012    
If your tax credit site lets residents pay their rent by credit card, consider letting prospects pay their security deposits by credit card as well, suggests property manager Kristen Morgan. Doing so can increase the likelihood that prospects will sign a lease when they first visit your site, she...

Insider's 2012 Survey Results: Tackling the Top Compliance and Management Challenges

July 15, 2012    
In today's economy, providing affordable housing to low-income families is more important than ever. There may be plenty of applicants, but there are also considerable challenges in verifying that they're qualified for the LIHTC program and in keeping up with rising operational costs. Last...